Success Stories

Hrvatsko Narodno Kazalište u Šibeniku odabralo je kao »ticketing« partnera za Međunarodni dječji festival platformu DRAGON Venue™ i distribuciju

Hrvatsko Narodno Kazalište u Šibeniku odabralo je kao »ticketing« partnera za Međunarodni dječji festival platformu DRAGON Venue™ i distribuciju
Nakon lošeg iskustva u 2015. godini, kad je Međunarodni dječji festival (MDF) u Šibeniku za potporu prodaje ulaznica koristio rješenje hrvatske tvrtke Dekod iz Zagreba, za festival u 2016. godini organizator MDF tražio je renomirano, pouzdano i profesionalno rješenje. Platforma DRAGON Venue™ za potrebe prodaje ulaznica na festivalskoj blagajni u Hrvatskom narodnom kazalištu u Šibeniku te portal za potrebe šire promocije i prodaje ulaznica putem interneta bio je odabir, koji je u potpunosti zadovoljio očekivanja, želje i potrebe organizatora, ali i oduševio publike.

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Svetovni pokal v veslanju, Bled, 28.5. - 30.5. 2010

Svetovni pokal v veslanju, Bled, 28.5. - 30.5. 2010
V dneh od 28.5 do 30.5. 2010 je na Bledu potekal Svetovni pokal v veslanju. Po 21-tih letih je Bled ponovno gostil veliko športno prireditev, ki se je je udeležilo preko 700 veslačev iz 45-tih držav. Organizacija tega dogodka je bila hkrati generalka za Svetovno prvenstvo v veslanju, ki bo na Bledu prihodnje leto. Na Svetovnem pokalu v veslanju 2010 so prvič nastopili tudi veslači invalidi.

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Men's European Handball Championship EURO 2004

Men's European Handball Championship EURO 2004
»Even as we began the opening games of the official segment of EURO 2004, we were able to conclude that the DRAGON Ticketing integrated information system had decisively contributed to the high level of organisation at the event, enhanced safety for patrons, and freer movement and access for media activities. The entire performance quite impressed a number of distinguished guests from international sporting organisations, as well as the press; the overall consensus was that the event ‘raised the bar’ and created a new standard for the organisation of international handball events.«
Leopold Kalin, Event Director

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EHF 2007 Men’s Champions Trophy

EHF 2007 Men’s Champions Trophy
From the 19th to the 21st of October 2007, a top-level sporting event took place in the Zlatorog Celje Hall. The organisational committee of EHF 2007 Men's Champions Trophy began their event preparations back in November 2006. The organisers entrusted the electronic ticketing, access control and development of the event web page to DRAGON solutions.

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Celje Pivovarna Laško Handball Club

Celje Pivovarna Laško Handball Club
»The introduction of electronic ticketing was justified, both from an economic and an organisational standpoint, almost immediately. We can't be absolutely certain that the increased ticket sales are purely a result of using the system, but the fact is that our parking lot is now full of vehicles from the whole of Slovenia!«
Andrej Šušterič, Manager of handball club Celje Pivovarna Laško

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City of Rijeka, Croatia – the intelligent city

City of Rijeka, Croatia – the intelligent city
Main purpose of the project "Rijeka Intelligent City", is to improve the quality of services to citizens through automated electronic services. In autumn 2006 DRAGON Ticketing has developed an electronic ticketing service "Rijeka ticket." »With a self service ticketing kiosk and web sales event promoters in Rijeka have an attractive and modern sales channel for their events. Citizens of Rijeka and tourist can purchase all Rijeka events tickets on one place in a comfortable and friendly manner. I believe that the introduction of a uniform ticketing system solved the problem of manipulation by a secondary market which has been particularly acute in the presence of sport events..«
mag. Vojko Obersnel, City of Rijeka Mayor

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